Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Family life

My good pal Andy from Germany arrived also in the Mel's house on the Christmas eve. It was so great to see the old travel mate again. He came straight from New Zealand and had been hitchiking around for a month. That's the way to travel and he told that he'd really fell in love with the whole country, which is easy to imagine with this nature-loving guy.

After Christmas the days were pretty lazy around the house. Relaxing, good times. Going out with the new friends and waiting for the big night at the New Years eve. Having dinners with the family, playing with the dog, swimming in the pool, waking up to the incredible sound of laughing kookaburras and screaming cockatoos and having morning coffee with the people who had become so close just by travelling. Generally I had good times, but one sad occasion happened when the neighbour's dog, "the snake killer", who was famous of killing snakes got bitten by the red belly black snake. The snake is really venomous and dangerous to human as well. The dog was found lifeless on the backyard laying next to the dead snake. Bloody snakie couldn't espace the last blow from the brave dog. Can't imagine the shock for the owners who made the dead snake as an example for others by nailing it to the tree.

Mel's sister Jackie has an apartment just on the Northern side of the Harbour bridge, with actual view to the awesome bridge, and she promised us to stay there over the New year. Well, it's hard to describe here the feelings all this raised in me but I knew it was going to be one of the biggest nights in my life so far.

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