Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Free Willy

I was surfing today(surprise) and soon realized that there was lots of bluebottle-jellyfishes in the water. I might be a sissy but the tentacle of this creature really burned my hand when it tangled around my fingers and I had to get out from the water. This nice experience combined with shitty waves made my surfing quite lame.

As I was listening to Stewart's laugh about me being sissy, the lifeguard told in the loudspeaker that there's a humpback whale around 200meters from the beach. And there it sure was making huge splashes in the water. The east coast of Australia is pretty good spot to sight these huge creatures since they're on their way migrating from Antartic to North.

This was my first time seeing a whale and so the day ended up being quite special. We decided to celebrate this unique moment and went through liquorland on our way home.

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